Finally, I made some time for a little gardening! And oh, how happy I am to know that one of my beds is up to par. Now if only I could keep the neighbor's stinkin' cats out!!! Mulched or not, they still come and dig in the soil and leave the nastiest little presents {euwwwww yuk}
Here in another bed is a Siberian Iris. This was started I think two years ago from splitting one that had been given to me by my mother's friend, Margaret. I can't remember NOT knowing Margaret. She's no longer with us as she passed away several years ago now due to Cancer. I used to stop in and see her from time to time or she would come over here. We'd chat about gardening or our families. I'm fortunate to have reminders of her around my house. There are plants in the flowerbeds that came from her and the valance I have around my front porch was originally her idea. Her house in the neighboiring town and mine were the only ones around with a valance on the porch. People have told me how much they like mine and asked me if I had ever seen the one in S'ville. "Oh, yes", I'd say. She was my inspiration. {sigh} Sometimes I really miss Margaret.
Here in another bed is a Siberian Iris. This was started I think two years ago from splitting one that had been given to me by my mother's friend, Margaret. I can't remember NOT knowing Margaret. She's no longer with us as she passed away several years ago now due to Cancer. I used to stop in and see her from time to time or she would come over here. We'd chat about gardening or our families. I'm fortunate to have reminders of her around my house. There are plants in the flowerbeds that came from her and the valance I have around my front porch was originally her idea. Her house in the neighboiring town and mine were the only ones around with a valance on the porch. People have told me how much they like mine and asked me if I had ever seen the one in S'ville. "Oh, yes", I'd say. She was my inspiration. {sigh} Sometimes I really miss Margaret.
You'll have to excuse the weeds. Isn't it pretty? I like them so much better than traditional Iris. The blades are so soft and delicate and grow in this compact "bush" which looks nice even after the blooms are gone. See the little gnome my mom gave me? She surprised me with it several years ago when she drove up. We were eating at a Cracker Barrel in Florida and I spotted this in the store, but couldn't take it on the plane. I really like her even though she is now faded and this year I found that the top of her hat has a hole in it!
Back to the cats... my husband bought Critter Ridder (Havahart) made mostly of black pepper oil. I spread it around the bed and alas, they still dug in the soil. SO, if you have any solutions perhaps maybe homemade repellants or the like, PLEASE leave me a comment. Happy gardening to you all!